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Artigos Científicos
- Rodrigues, P., Sousa, A., & Borges, A. P. (2025). Evaluation of Consumer Masstige Brand Relationship Between Generations. Review of Marketing Science.
- Lemos, M. (2024). Da Imaginação que Confere Sustentabilidade aos Factos: Finnegans e História do Cerco de Lisboa Revisitados. Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses, (33), 169-189.
- Gomes, S., Lopes, J. M., & Ferreira, L. (2024). Looking at the tourism industry through the lenses of industry 4.0: a bibliometric review of concerns and challenges. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 7(1), 436-457.
- Abdelli, M. E. A., Perez-Encinas, A., Rodríguez-Crespo, E., Moussavou, J., Ertz, M., Pinto Borges, A., ... & Jha, D. (2024). Unveiling business environment and digital entrepreneurial activity in the European tourism industry. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 16 (6), 846-858.
- Ostapenko, S. M. D. S., Africano, A. P., & Meneses, R. (2024). New growth of the Douro wine cluster. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 34(3), 578-613.
- Abdelli, M. E. A., Moussavou, J., Perez-Encinas, A., Rodríguez-Crespo, E., Pinto Borges, A., Akbaba, A., ... & Chabaud, D. (2024). The role of tourism entrepreneurial ecosystems to support sales growth of European countries. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 16 (6), 859-872.
- Rocha, D., Ana Pinto Borges, Bruno Miguel Vieira, Vieira, E., Castilho, D., & Neto, J. (2024). Cryptocurrency use and sociodemographic characteristics in Portugal: a circular economy case. Global Business and Economics Review, 31(3), 391–406.
- Madeira, C., Sousa, A., Borges, A. P., & Rodrigues, P. (2024). Brand Experience and Brand Equity: A Review and Future Research Agenda. International Journal of Marketing Communication and New Media, 12(22).
- Rodrigues, M., Franco, M., Filipova, H., Silva, R. J., Kazandzhieva, V., Nacheva, R., ... & Antonova, K. (2024). Is creativity a reality in Bulgaria cities? An empirical study in the pre-pandemic period. City, Territory and Architecture, 11(1), 19.
- Monteiro, A.P., Cepêda, C., Borges, A.P. and Vieira, E. (2024), Does CSR committee presence, stakeholder engagement, gender equality (SDG 5) and firm value influence ESG performance reporting? An EU pre and during Covid-19 analysis, Measuring Business Excellence.
- Rodrigues, P., Sousa, A., & Borges, A. P. (2024). Do You Love Me, or Do You Hate Me? Bad Communication’s Effect on Low-Cost Airline Brand. Journal of Creative Communications, 09732586241249653.
- Almeida, S., Carvalho, I., Santos, A. R., Mesquita, S., & Seabra, (2024). How pandemics and disease outbreaks. Journal of Tourism & Development n. º, 45, 223-241.
- Astike, K., Borges, A. P., Skvarciany, V. & Vieira, E. Do Cultural Activities and Happiness Matter to the Tourism Sector?. Economics and Culture, 21(1), 93 - 104.
- Rodrigues, P., Sousa, A., Borges, A. P., & Matos Graça Ramos, P. (2024). Understanding masstige wine brands’ potential for consumer-brand relationships. European Business Review.
- Rodrigues, P., Sousa, A., Lopes, J., & Borges, A. P. (2024). How does brand authenticity affect brand hate-love relationships and buying intention? The moderating role of brand personality. Journal of Brand Strategy, 12(4), 381-403.
- Vieira, E., Pinto Borges, A., Rodrigues, P. L., Reis, A. M., & Ostapenko, S. (2024). The role of awareness of circular economy’s concept in purchase of sustainable goods and access-based and collaborative consumption–Porto case. Social Responsibility Journal.
- Ferreira, A., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., Vieira, E., Rodrigues, P., Lopes, J., & Canavarro, A. (2024). Changes in the fashion industry and consumer choices in the Portuguese context: strategic directions. Strategic Management.
- Rodrigues, M., Silva, R., Borges, A. P., Franco, M., & Oliveira, C. (2024). Artificial intelligence: threat or asset to academic integrity? A bibliometric analysis. Kybernetes.
- Abdelli, M. E. A., Moussavou, J., Perez-Encinas, A., Rodríguez-Crespo, E., Pinto Borges, A., Akbaba, A., ... & Chabaud, D. (2024). The role of tourism entrepreneurial ecosystems to support sales growth of European countries. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes.
- Santos, B., Carvalho, M., Emer, P., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B., Brandão, A., & Vieira, E. (2023). The Role of Sociodemographic Characteristics on the Journey from Brand Experience to Brand Love and Loyalty—Porto. In International Conference on Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 385-394). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Borges, A. P., Vieira, E. P., Rodrigues, P., Lopes de Almeida, A., & Sousa, A. (2023). After COVID-19 lockdown: an exploratory study about the influence of mindfulness-feelings toward an individual’s outdoor lifestyle and empowerment. International Journal of Event and Festival Management.
- Alves, J., Celeste, E., Carneiro, M.J., Teixeira, L., & Mesquita, S. (2023). Living in an untouchable world: Barriers to recreation and tourism for Portuguese blind people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 42.
- Araújo, N., Reis, A.M., Borges, A.P., Neves, J.M., & Rosa, A. (2023). Setting priorities in health: The managers’ perspectives versus general public. International Journal of Care Coordination, 0(0), 1-8.
- Tavares, J., Borges, A.P., Vieira, B.M., Vieira, E., & Rodrigues, P. (2023). Corporate Social Responsibility of Sports Clubs: What do supporters think?. Sport, Business, Management: an International Journal 13(6), 752-768 .
- Borges, A.P., Vieira, E., Rodrigues, P. & Sousa, A. (2023). Influence of COVID-19 on online shopping behaviour, leisure and socialisation. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management.
- Rodrigues, P., Borges, A.P., Brochado, A., & Sousa, A. (2023). COVID-19 vaccine hesitation and brand choice uncertainty. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. 17 (4), 495-516
- Brochado, A., Rodrigues, P., Sousa, A., Borges, A.P., Veloso, M., Suárez, M.G. (2023). Resilience and Sustainable Urban Tourism: Understanding Local Communities’ Perceptions after a Crisis. Sustainability, 15, 13298.
- Casais, B., & Ferreira, L. (2023). Smart and Sustainable Hotels: Tourism Agenda 2030 Perspective Article. Tourism Review.
- Conde, R., Borges, A.P., Gómez, I.N., & Viera, E. (2023). Estimate tourism model choice for Pilgrim in the Way of St. James: The Portuguese Way. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 190.
- Cunha, A., Borges, A.P., & Ferreira, M. (2023). Do real estate investment companies profit from house price growth? Evidence from Portugal. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 16(7).
- Dias, R.R., Almeida, A.L., & Hemsworth, K. (2023). Slow tourism and food: The ‘Good’ principle as Portuguese trend. Journal of Tourism and Development, 43, 99-117. 10.34624/rtd.v43i0.33001
- Gomes, S., Lopes, J.M., & Ferreira, L. (2023). Looking at the tourism industry through the lenses of industry 4.0: a bibliometric review of concerns and challenges. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights.
- Moreira, I., Lopes, J.M., Borges, A.P., & Oliveira, J.C. (2023). Was There an Alteration on Consumers Pattern with COVID-19 Pandemic? A Pre and Post-Pandemic Research on Consumers Behavior. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 11(20), 5-40.
- Muhittin, Ç., Seden, D., Özen, K.Y., Meng-Jun, H. & Cihan Ç.(2023). A conjoint analysis of attributes influencing attendance of academic conferences. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 10.1108/IJCHM- 10-2020-1184
- Oliveira, C., Rodrigues, M., Martins, N., Borges, A.P., & Silva, R. (2023). How to Increase Motivation and Job Satisfaction – Empirical Case Study. Journal of Intercultural Management, 14(4), 60-96
- Özen, K.Y, Hülya, K. & Demet, B.O. (2023). Factors that influence attendance, satisfaction, and loyalty for virtual events. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR) An International Journal of Akdeniz University Tourism Faculty, 11(1), 97-119., Doi: 10.30519/ahtr.1068444
- Araújo, N., Reis, A.M., Borges, A.P., & Rosa, A. (2023). Managing Public Health Spending Growth:Public’s Views. Journal of Health Management, 25(3), 579–586.
- Rodrigues, M., Franco, M., Oliveira, C., Borges, A. P., & Silva, R. (2023). How have smartness cities responded to the pandemic? An empirical study. Cities- The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 135.
- Rodrigues, M., Franco, M., Oliveira, C., Borges, A. P., & Silva, R. (2023). The Pandemic and the Creative Performance of Cities: An Empirical Study in Portugal. Smart Cities, 6(1), 445–468.
- Rodrigues, P., Borges, A.P. & Vieira, E. (2023). Gastronomic Experiences on Tourists’ Life Satisfaction and Happiness: The Case of Porto. European Journal of Tourism Research, 34, 3412.
- Rodrigues, P., Brochado, A., Sousa, A., Borges, A.P., & Barbosa, I. (2023). What´s on the menu?: How celebrity chef brands create happiness. European Journal of Marketing.
- Rodrigues, P., Sousa, A., & Borges, A.P. (2023). Generation Z’s attitudes toward virtual tourism: the impact of implicit and explicit attitudes. EuroMed Journal of Business.
- França, A., Lopez-Manuel, L. Sartal, A., Vázquez, X.H. (2023). Adapting corporations to climate change: How decarbonization impacts the business strategy–performance nexus. Business Strategy and the Environment.
- Almeida, A. L., Vieira, E., and Borges, A. P. (2022). Segmentation and the Key Communication Channels to Promote a Music Festival – The NOS Primavera Sound Case Study. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media.
- Borges, A. P., Lopes de Almeida, A., Vieira, E., & Belucio, M. (2022). Travelling and discovering new destinations after destinations after the COVID-19’S lockdown: The role of routines and habits. Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal, 12(1), pp. 70-93.
- Cascão, A., Quelhas, A. P. & Cunha, A. M. (2022). Heuristics and cognitive biases in the housing investment market. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Cunha, A. M. & Lobão, J. (2022). House price dynamics in Iberian Metropolitan Statistical Areas: slope heterogeneity, cross-sectional dependence and elasticities. Journal of European Real Estate Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Gomes, S., Lopes, J.M., Ferreira, L. & Oliveira, J. (2022). Science and Technology Parks: Opening the Pandora’s Box of Regional Development. Journal of the Knowledge Economy.
- Macedo, P. S., Inácio, H. C., & Vieira, E. (2022). A model to detect financial statement fraud in Portuguese companies bu the auditor. Contaduría y Administración, 67(3), pp. 185-209.
- Moreira, T., Hemsworth, K., Vieira, B. M., Monteiro, M., & Vieira, E. (2022). How Digital Media can help fight food waste. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, Special Issue Circular Economy.
- Rocha, D., Vieira, E., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., Neto, J., & Castilho, D. (2022). Cryptocurrency Use and Sociodemographic Characteristics in Portugal: A Circular Economy case. Forthcoming in Global Economics and Business Review.
- Rodrigues, M., Oliveira, C., Borges, A. P., Franco, M., and Silva, R. (2022). What exists in academia on work stress in accounting professionals: a bibliometric analysis. Current Psychology.
- Rodrigues, P., Ferreira, A., & Borges, A. P. (2022). Exploring Masstige Brands’ Antecedents and Outcomes. International Journal of Consumer Studies.
- Scalabrini, E. C. B., Correia, A. I., Fonseca, M., Nunes, A. Veloso, C. M. Vieira, E., Ferreira, F. A., Goretti Silva, G., Carrança, P., Santos, S., & Fernandes, P. O. (2022). The use of a Geographic Information System to increase Outdoor Tourism. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, Special Issue Circular Economy.
- Sousa, A., Calçada, E., Rodrigues, P., & Borges, A. P. (2022). Cryptocurrency Adoption: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis. EuroMed Journal of Business.
- Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). Application of the constitutional principle of generality in Spanish companies’ taxation. A compared study to Portugal. International Journal of Law and Management.
- Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). The Accounting profit's relevance in collecting tax revenue of spain. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatoy Issues, 24(S1).
- Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). The accounting role in determining the corporate tax base in India. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20(1), 1-7
- Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). The goodwill of business concentrations. Accounting, tax, and arbitral court perceptions in Portugal. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatoy Issues, 24(S1).
- Araújo, N., Reis, A. M. & Borges, A. P. (2021). Managing Public Health Spending Growth: Public’s Views. Forthcoming on Journal of Health Management.
- Barbosa, A. R., Passos, M. & Machado, S. S. (2020). A análise concetual da prova em processo civil. ULP Law Review/Revista de Direito da ULP, 14(1)
- Borges, A. P., Vieira, E. and Lopes, J. M., (2021). Emotional Intelligence Profile of Tourists and Its Impact on Tourism. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism. doi: 10.1080/1528008X.2021.1964413
- Borges, A. P., Vieira, E., Rodrigues, P, & Tavares, V. (2021). Brand Knowledge and satisfaction explained by the attributes of a regional food product. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 9(16), 25-50.
- Borges, A. P., Lopes, J.M., Carvalho, C., Vieira, B. M. & Lopes, J. (2021), Education as a key to provide the growth of entrepreneurial intentions. Education + Training, 63(6), 809-832.
- Cunha, A.M. & Lobão, J. (2021). The determinants of real estate prices in a European context: a four-level analysis. Journal of European Real Estate Research.
- Cunha, A.M. &Lobão, J. (2021). The effects of tourism on housing prices: applying a difference-in-differences methodology to the Portuguese market. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis.
- Lemos, M. (2021). A Prefatory Note. Via Panoramica: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / A Journal of Anglo-American Studies, 10(1), 8-9.
- Lopes, J. M., Oliveira, M., Lopes, J. & Zaman, U. (2021). Networks, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer in the Tourism Industry: an Empirical Study of SMEs in Portugal. Social Sciences, 10(5), 159. doi:103390/socsci10050159
- Martins, O. M. D., Nunes, A., Vieira, E., Rachão, S., Correia, A. I., Fonseca, M. J., Silva, G., Veloso, C. M., Ferreira, F. A., Carrança, P., & Fernandes, P. O. (2021). Outdoor tourism in the north of Portugal from the perspective of Tourist Entertainment Companies. European Journal of Applied Business Management, 7(3), 1-21.
- Mesquita, S., Carneiro, M.J., & Caldeira, A. (2021). Accessibility of European museums to visitors with visual impairments. Disability & Society.
- Neto, J., Costa, M. P., Neto, F. and Carmel, S. (2021). The Will-to-Live Scale: Validity and Reliability Among Portuguese Adolescents. SAGE Open, 11(4).
- Oliveira, M., Oliveira, J., Borges, A.P. & Lopes, J. (2021). Social networks in the non-profit sector: Social support practices. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing.
- Pinho, M. & Borges, A. P. (2021). Healthcare professionals' attitudes concerning prioritisation decisions: a quali-quantitative analysis in Angola. Global Business and Economics Review, 24(2).
- Rachão, S., Breda, Z., Fernandes, C., and Joukes, V. (2021). Drivers of experience co-creation in food- and-wine tourism: An exploratory quantitative analysis. Tourism Management Perspectives, 37, 100783.
- Real, H., Rosa, R., Graça, P. (2020). Mediterranean Diet conceptual model and future trends of its use in Portugal. Health Promotion International, 36(2). doi: 10.1093/heapro/daaa056
- Reis, A. M., Vieira, E. & Borges, A. (2021). Determinants of tourist expenditure: the role of tourists' experiences in the city of Porto. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 11(1), 73-87.
- Ribeiro, V. M., & Bao, L. (2021). Professionalization of Online Gaming? Theoretical and Empirical Analysis for a Monopoly-Holding Platform. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(4), 682-708.
- Rodrigues, I., Lopes, J.M., Borges, A., Oliveira, J. & Oliveira, M. (2021). How Can Gamified Application Drive Engagement and Brand Attitude? The Case of Nike Run Club Application. Administrative Science, 11(3), p. 92.
- Rodrigues, I., Soares, N., Lopes, J. M., Oliveira, J. & Lopes, J. (2021). Gamification as a New Trend in the Co-creation Process. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 22(4), 1-33. doi:10.1590/1678-6971/eRAMR210132
- Rodrigues, Borges, A. P., Sousa, A. D. F. A. (2021). Authenticity as an Antecedent of Brand Image in a Positive Emotional Consumer Relationship: The case of Craft Beer Brands. EuroMed Journal of Business.
- Rodrigues, Borges, A. P. & Vieira, E. (2021). The mediating role of Brand Experience in a Mid-Sized City. International Journal of Business Excellence.
- Silva, G., Correia, A., Rachão, S., Nunes, A., Vieira, E., Santos, S., Soares, L., Fonseca, M., Ferreira, F.A.; Veloso, C. M., Carrança, P. & Fernandes, P.O. (2021). A Methodology for the Identification and Assessment of the Conditions for the Practice of Outdoor and Sport Tourism-Related Activities: The Case of Northern Portugal. Sustainability, 13, 7343.
- Vieira E., Borges A. P. & Rodrigues P. (2021). Exploring the relationship between the length of stay and various determinants at one of the best European destinations. Tourism and Hospitality Research.
- Vieira, B. M., Borges, A.P., Vieira, E. (2021). The role of Social Networks for decision-making about tourism destinations. forthcoming International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising.
- Aldeia, S.C.R. (2020). The income's integration into the tax base of Spanish legal persons’ tax. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 23(5), pp. 1-5.
- Reis, A. M., Borges, A. P. & Araújo, N. (2020). Managing NHS money in Portugal: who decides?. International Jornal of Health Governance. doi: 10.1108/IJHG-08-2020-0087
- Antunes, H., Lopes, J. & Sousa, A. (2020). Entrepreneurial marketing: conceputal systematization in english and portuguese languages. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, Special Issue 6, 5-33.
- Belucio, M., Fuinhas, J. A. & Vieira, C. (2020). A Cidade de Fátima: História, Desenvolvimento e Perspetivas Económicas. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, 6(3), 1-26.
- Belucio, M., Santos, G., Duarte, M., Fuinhas, A. J. & Vieira, C. (2020). Socioeconomic Determinants of Pilgrimages: A Var Approach to the Portuguese Case of Fatima. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 56(3), 43-64.
- Borges, A. P., Cunha, C. and Lopes, J. (2020). The main factors that determine the intention to revisit a music festival. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events,1-22
- Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., & Vieira, E. P. (2020). Porto street stage at Rally Portugal: the determinants of the length of stay. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 24(1), 1-7.
- Borges, A. P., Vieira, E., & Gomes S. (2020). The Evaluation of Municipal Tourist Tax Awareness: the case of city of Porto. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 26(2), 381-398.
- Faria, S., Rebelo, J. & Gouveia, S. (2020). Firms' export performance: a fractional econometric approach. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21(2), 521–542.
- Farinha, L., Sebastião, J. R., Sampaio, C. & Lopes, J. (2020). Social innovation and social entrepreneurship: discovering origins, exploring current and future trends. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 17, 77–96.
- Fuinhas, J. A., Belucio, M., Castilho, Mateus, J. & Caetano, R. (2020). Tourism and Economic Growth Nexus in Latin America and Caribbean Countries: Evidence from an Autoregressive Distributed Lag Panel. Academica Turistica, 13(1), 21-34.
- Lemos, M. (2020). A Prefatory Note. Via Panoramica: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / A Journal of Anglo-American Studies, 9(1), 8-9.
- Lemos, M. (2020). A Prefatory Note. Via Panoramica: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / A Journal of Anglo-American Studies, 9(2), 8-9.
- Lemos, M. (2020). Writing Dublin: Joyce, Bloomsday and Tourism in the Irish Capital. Via Panoramica: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos / A Journal of Anglo-American Studies, 9 (2), 66-77.
- Lopes, J. & Lussuamo J. (2020). Barriers to University-Industry Cooperation in a Developing Region. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 12, 1019–1035.
- Lopes, J., Farinha, L. & Ferreira, J. J. (2020). Regional innovation ecosystems and smart specialization: opportunities and challengers for regions. Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Social G&DR, 16(1), 114-135.
- Lopes, J., Ferreira, J. J. & Farinha, L. (2020). Entrepreneurship and the Resource_Based View: What is the linkage? A Bibliometric Approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing.
- Lopes, J., Teixeira, S. J. & Ferreira (2020). University entrepreneurial intentions: mainland and insular regions- are they different?. Education + Training, 62(2), 81-99.
- Mouga, S., Correia, B. R., Café, C., Duque, F., & Oliveira, G. (2020). Language Predictors in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Insights from Neurodevelopmental Profile in a Longitudinal Perspective. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48(1), 149-161. DOI: 10.1007/s10802-019-00578-7
- Oliveira, D., Gonçalves, M., & Sousa, B. (2020). A Gestão de Clientes e Lealdade com Recurso ao Marketing Experiencial: Uma Perspetiva Teórica. European Journal of Applied Business Management, 6(1), pp. 48-61.
- Oliveira, D., Gonçalves, M., & Sousa, B. (2020). The Relationship between Experiential Marketing and Determinants of Quality Service in the Banking Market. Quality-Access to Success, 21, 178.
- Rachão, S., Breda, Z., Fernandes, C., and Joukes, V. (2020). Cocreation of tourism experiences: Are food- related activities being explored? British Food Journal, 22(3), 910-928.
- Rachão, S., Breda, Z., Fernandes, C., and Joukes, V. (2020). Food-and-wine experiences towards co- creation in tourism. Tourism Review.
- Reis, A.M., Pinto Borges, A. and Araújo, N. (2020). Managing NHS money in Portugal: who decides?. International Journal of Health Governance (ahead-of-print).
- Roberto, I. (2020). Excursos sobre a Linguagem Emancipatória: o Experimentalismo Americano e a Génese de uma nova Poiesis Visual e Sonora. Revista Via Panorâmica, 9 (III) 10-24.
- Roberto, I. (2020). Shoah e Literatura de Testemunho: O campo concentracionário enquanto lugar de memória. CEM Cultura, Espaço & Memória, 11, 45-56.
- Rodrigues, P. & Borges, A. P. (2020) Negative emotions toward a financial brand: the opposite impact on brand love. European Business Review.
- Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility Image and Emotions for the competitiveness of tourism destinations. Journal of Place Management and Development.
- Santos, E., Correia, A. I., Ferreira, F. A., Nunes, A. M., Veloso, C. M., Vieira, E. P., Silva, G., Fonseca, M., Carranca, P., & Fernandes, P. O. (2020). Productivity Measurement: the Case of Nature Tourism Firms in Portugal. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 8(4), 331-346.
- Santos, E., Correia, A., Ferreira, F., Nunes, A., Veloso, C., Vieira, E., Silva, G., Fonseca, M., Carrança, P. & Fernandes, P. (2020). Productivity Measurement: the Case of Nature Tourism Firms in Portugal. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 8(4), 331-346.
- Vieira, E., Borges, A.P., Rodrigues, P. and Lopes, J. (2020). The role of intangible factors in the intention of repeating a tourist destination. Internacional Journal Tourism Policy, 10(4).
- Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). Fundamentals of expenses’ non-deductibility in the companies´ income tax law: Portuguese’s case. Journal of Legal Ethical and Regulatory, 22(6), pp. 1-5.
- Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). Taxation and tax obligations of restaurants. The Portuguese case study. Journal of Legal Ethical and Regulatory, 22(3), 1-7.
- Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). The "true and fair view" concept in business and tax law. The Portuguese and Spanish case studies. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 23(2).
- Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). The financial performance’ positive element in legislation of Spain. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(6), 1-5.
- Almeida, A. L. & Kastenholz, E. (2019). Towards a Theoretical Model of Seasonal Tourist Consumption Behaviour. Tourism Planning & Development, 16(5), 533-555. doi: 10.1080/21568316.2018.
- Alves, W., Ferreira, P., & Araújo, M. (2019). Mining cooperatives: a model to establish a network for sustainability. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, 7(1), 51-63.
- Barreiros, A. R., Almeida, I., Correia, B. R., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2019). Amygdala Modulation During Emotion Regulation Training With fMRI-Based. Neurofeedback: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, p. 89.
- Belucio, M., Fuinhas, J. A., Faria, S. & Pina, A. (2019). Análise do impacto do terrorismo e da situação económica no turismo: uma abordagem PVAR. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, Special Isse, 55-72.
- Borges, A. P., Rodrigues, P. & Branco, F. C. (2019). Consumer Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsability and its Impact on Purchasing in Economic Crisis. Global Business and Economics Review, 21(5), 583. doi: 10.1504/GBER.2019.101870
- Borges, A.P., Vieira, E. P. & Rodrigues, P. (2019). The perception of corporate socialresponsibility of the city of Porto. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 5(2), 130-145.
- Cortada, I. (2019). A Memória da Guerra civil espanhola no Cinema: o caso de El Labirinto del Fauno, de Guillermo del Toro. CEM Cultura, Espaço & Memória, 10, 159-172.
- Dimitrovski, D., Joukes, V., Rachão, S., and Tibério, M. (2019). Wine tourism apps as wine destination branding instruments: Content and functionality analysis. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10(2), 136-152. doi: 10.1108/JHTT-10-2017-0115
- Domingues, C., Gonçalves, M. & Sousa, B. (2019). O valor da marca e a perspetiva do cliente: um estudo aplicado ao setor de tecnologia da informação e documentação. European Journal of Applied Business Management, 5(1), 31-49.
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- Pinho, M. & Borges, A.P. (2019). Holding individuals accountable for engaging in harmful health behaviours when managing scarce resources: Yes or not really?. International Journal of Health Governance, 24(3). doi: 10.1108/IJHG-04-2019-0026
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- Pinho, M., Borges, A. P. & Petricevic, D. (2018). Bedside healthcare rationing dilemmas: a survey from Croatia, International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 11(3), 153-164.
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- Pinho, M., Borges, A. P., & Cookson, R. (2017). Do healthcare professionals have different views about healthcare rationing than college students? A mixed methods study in Portugal. Public Health Ethics, 1-13. doi: 101093/phe/phx005
- Pinho, M., & Borges, A. P. (2017). Relative Importance Assigned to Healthcare Rationing Principles at the Bedside: Evidence from a Portuguese and Bulgarian Survey. The Health Care Manager, 36(4), 334-341.
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- Pinho, M., Borges, A. P., & Zahariev, B. (2017). Bedsides healthcare rationing dilemmas: A survey from Bulgaria and comparison with Portugal. Social Theory & Health, 15(3), 285-301. doi: 101057/s41285-017-0029-2
- Pinho, M., & Borges, A. P. (2017). Should lifestyles be a criterion for healthcare rationing? evidence from a portuguese survey. Journal of research in health sciences, 17(4), 1-7.
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- Trindade, A., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. P. (2017). Level of Recommendation and Satisfaction after an event: the NOS Primavera Sound case study. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, Special Issue, 3(3),55-62.
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- Vieira, E. P., Pereira, O., & Gomes, S. (2017). A competitividade regional externa das NUTS II de Portugal e Espanha. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, 3(1), 68-85.
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- Rodrigues, H., & Fonseca, M. (2016). Can information be spread as a virus? Viral Marketing as epidemiological model. Mathematical Methods in The Applied Sciences, 39(16), 4780-4786.
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- Monteiro, A., & Borges, A. P. (2015). Impact of socio-demographic characteristics and loyalty on the visitors’ satisfaction”. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, 1(1), 224-239.
- Pinho, M. and Borges, A. (2015). Bedside healthcare rationing dilemmas: a survey from Portugal. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 8(4), 233-246.
- Rodrigues, P., & Borges, A. P. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact in Consumer Decision-Making. Social Responsibility Journal (forthcoming).
- Monteiro, A., & Borges, A. P. (2015). Impact of socio-demographic characteristics and loyalty on the visitors’ satisfaction”. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, 1(1), 224-239.
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- Borges, A. P., & Cardoso, C. (2013). The ICT use in the implementation of Directive 2011/24/EU. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Pro Global Science Association, 5(1), 44-52.
- Dominguez, L., Vieira, E. P., & Ferreira, P. (2013). The Management of the European Solidarity: The INTERREG Programmes on the Border Region Galicia-North Portugal. Universitaria Europea, 3, 83-102.
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- Ribeiro, G., Borges, A. P., & Rodrigues, P. (2013). A Triple Vision of the Effectiveness of Internal Marketing. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 1(1), 87-102.
- Borges, A. P., Laussel, D., & Correia da Silva, J. (2013). Multidimensional Screening with Complementary Activities: Regulating a Monopolist with Uknown Cost and Unknown Preference for Empire Building. Games, 4(3), 532-560. doi: 10.3390/g4030532.
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- Vieira, E. P., Neira, I., & Portela, M. (2011). Determinantes del capital social en España y Portugal. Portuguese Economic Review (JCR) (Ongoing).
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Livros/Capítulos de Livros
Livros/Capítulos de Livros
- Stenzel, P., Tavares, V., Sousa, B. B., & Fonseca, M. J. (2023). The Construction of the Brand Narrative Through the Creation of Corporate Museums. In International Conference on Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 329-343). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Azevedo, I., de Sousa, B. V., Vieira, E. P., & Borges, A. P. (2025). Remote Work Dynamics: A Comprehensive Analysis of Its Effects on Engagement and Commitment. In Modern Trends and Future Innovation in Human Resource Management (pp. 1-40). IGI Global.
- Monteiro, A., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. (2024). The Nexus of Corporate Sustainability Management, Accounting, and Auditing. IGI Global.
- Oliveira, C., Rodrigues, M., Silva, Rui., Franco, M., Borges, A. P., Pereira, R., & Plácido, C. (2024). Sucesso na Implementação do BSC em organizações Públicas e Privadas. PsicoSoma.
- Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., Vieira, E & Tavares, V. (2024). Compelling Storytelling Narratives for Sustainable Branding. IGI Global.
- Mehmeti, L., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., Vieira, E., & Brandão, A. (2024). Brand Personality Dimensions in the Hotel Sector: A Case Study. In Global Practices on Effective Talent Acquisition and Retention (pp. 37-58). IGI Global.
- Oliveira, J., Rocha, C., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., Vieira, E., & Tavares, V. (2024). The Presence of Brands in the Metaverse. In Consumer Experience and Decision-Making in the Metaverse (pp. 252-269). IGI Global.
- Pereira, B., Brás, G., Vieira, E., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., & Fonseca, M. (2024). The Impact of Using Digital Platforms and Sharing Online Experiences on the Reputation of a Company. In World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 47-57). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Almeida, S., & Mesquita, S. (2023). How risky can a trip be for a guest with visual impairments? Evaluation of the organizational risks through a real story. In Seabra, C. & Korstanje, M. E. (Eds), Safety and Tourism: A Global Industry with Global Risks (pp.227-243). Emerald Publishing.
- Borges, A.P., Vieira, E., Rodrigues, P., & Canavarro, A.I. (2023). Factors Influencing the Level of Trust in Vaccines. In R.F. Correia, D. Venciūtė & B.M. Sousa (Eds.), The Role of Brands in an Era of Over-Information (pp. 21-44). IGI Global. 10.4018/978-1-6684-8351-0
- Santos, B., Carvalho, M., Emer, P., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B., Brandão, A., & Vieira, E. (2023). The Role of Sociodemographic Characteristics on the Journey from Brand Experience to Brand Love and Loyalty—Porto. In International Conference on Tourism, Technology and Systems (pp. 385-394). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Carvalho, J. Pires, H., Borges, A. P., Vieira, E., Monteiro, M. (2023). Digital Leadership: Characteristics, Challenges and Opportunities. In Even, A.M., Christiansen, B. (Eds.), Enhancing Employee Engagement and Productivity in the Post-Pandemic Multigenerational Workforce (pp. 204-218). IGI Global. 10.4018/978-1-6684-9172-0.ch010
- Dias, R.R.(2023). Produção de alimentos. In J. Santos, A. Andreghetto & P. Feliciano (Eds.), Alimentação: avanços e controvérsias (pp.73-79). Alexa Cultural
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- Real de Oliveira, E., & Ferreira, P. (2014) Métodos de Investigação: da interrogação à descoberta científica. Vida Económica. ISBN: 978-989-76805-3-3.
- Balonas, S., & Marques, S. (2014). Saving lifes: involving citizens in the chain of survival – the critical role of placement. In Hastings. G., & Domegan, C., Social Marketing - From Tunes to Symphonies (2ndEdition). Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-68372-2.
- Marques, S. (2014). Relationship Marketing involves parents in drug prevention, but how easy is it? In Hastings. G., & Domegan, C., Social Marketing - From Tunes to Symphonies (2ndEdition). Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-68372-2.
- Lima, E. (2014). Regime Especial dos Pequenos Retalhistas. In Palma, C. C., & Santos, A.C., Código do IVA e RITI – Notas e Comentários (pp. 407-426). Edições Almedina, ISBN 978-972-40-5313-4.
- Real de Oliveira, E., & Ferreira, P. (2014). Métodos de Investigação: da interrogação à descoberta científica. Vida Económica. ISBN: 978-989-76805-3-3.
- Pinho, J. (2014). A Tradução para Edição - Viagem ao mundo de tradutores e editores em Portugal (1974-2009). U.Porto Press. ISBN-13: 978-989-746-058-6.
- Marques, S. (2013). Relationship Marketing involves parents in drug prevention, but how easy is it?. In Hastings. G., & Domegan, C., Social Marketing - From Tunes to Symphonies. Routledge
- Vieira, E., Ferreira, P., & Neira, I. (2013). Cultural Impact on Innovation: econometric analysis of European Countries (1995-2004) (pp. 57-79). In Adam, F. & Westlund, H. (Eds.), International Journal of Cross Cultural Management. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-63622-3.
- Miranda Veloso, C., & Monteiro, A. P. (2013). Determinants of customers satisfaction and behavioural intentions in the luxury hotels: the impact of SERVQUAL dimensions. In Santos, J., Serra, F., & Águas, P. (Eds.), Strategies in Tourism Organizations and Destinations. Ualg ESGHT. ISBN:978-989-8472-41-0
- Balonas, S., & Marques, S. (2012). Saving lifes: envolving citizens in the chain of survival - The critical role of placement. In Hastings,G & Domegan,C., Social Marketing -Why Should the Devil have all the best Tunes? Some More Tunes (2nd Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann
- Marta Portela, Emilia Vázquez-Rozas, Isabel Neira and Elvira Viera (2012). Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth: Macroeconomic Analysis and Effects of Social Capital in the EU, Entrepreneurship - Born, Made and Educated, Prof. Thierry Burger-Helmchen (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0210-6, InTech, Available from:
- Sousa, A., Cunha, M., & Gomes, T. (2012). Gentes na História 7. História. 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Areal Editores.
- Vieira, E., Portela, M., Vázquez, E., & Gomes, S. (2011). Entrepreneurship and economic growth: macroeconomic analysis and effects of social capital in the eu. InTech book title Entrepreneurship. ISBN: 979-953-307-531-9.
- Vieira de Castro, P. (2011) Dharma Marketing – A Espiritualidade no Mundo dos Negócios. Publicações Maitreya
- Vieira de Castro, P. (2011) Economia e Espiritualidade- Reformando o Mundo dos Negócios. Publicações Maitreya
- Marques & Domegan. (2011). Relationship Marketing. In G. Hastings, C. Bryant and K. Angus (eds), Handbook of Social Marketing. SAGE Publications.
- Marques, S., & Domegan, C. (2011). Relationship Marketing and Social Marketing (pp: 44-61). In G. Hastings, C. Bryant and K. Angus (eds), Handbook of Social Marketing. SAGE Publications.
- Capítulo no Handbook of Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services - Why and how did health economics appear? Who were the main authors?What is the role of ITCs in its development?
- Cardoso, C., & Borges, A. P. (2011). Informatización de la práctica médica. In Editorial Médica Panamericana.
- Borges, A. P., & Laranjeira, E. (2011). Why and how did health economics appear? Who were the main authors? What is the role of ITCs in its development?. In Isabel Maria Miranda & Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha (Eds.), Handbook of Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services: Developments and Applications. IGI Global.
- Vieira. E. (2010). Capital Humano como factor de convergência: Análisis Econométrico de la Eurorregión Galicia Norte de Portugal (1995-2002) – 1º Prémio de Investigación Eurorrexión 2008 atribuído pela Cátedra da Eurorregião Galiza-Norte de Portugal. Universidade de Vigo
- Nobre, H. (2010). Intimate Brand Relationships: From intimate interpersonal relationships to consumer-brand relationships. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8383- 7633
- Becker, K, & Nobre, H. M. (2010). The influence of Consumer-Brand Relationships on Business Continuity. In E. Kaynak & T. D. Harcar (Eds.), Critical Issues in Global Business: Lessons from the Past, Contemporary Concerns and Future Trends, Advances in Global Management Development, Vol. 19, (pp. 395- 401). Hummelstown, PA, USA: IMDA. ISBN: 978-9963-634-83-5.
- Marques. (2010). New Thinking for Social Marketing. In F. Columbus (ed), Psychology of Thinking. Nova Science Publishers, NY
- Marques, S. (2010). New Thinking for Social Marketing (pp. 139-154). In D. Contreras (ed), Psychology of Thinking. Nova Science Publishers.
- Lima, E. V. (2009). Tributação Indireta. In Santos, A. C., & Martins, A. M. F., (Coords.), Competitividade, Eficiência e Justiça do Sistema Fiscal - Cadernos de Ciência e Técnica Fiscal, 209 (pp. 588-722). Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Fiscais.
Proceedings de Conferências
Proceedings de Conferências
- Gomes, S., Ferreira, L., Pereira, L., & Sousa, B. (2024). The Influence of Resilience on the Digital Resilience of Higher Education Students: Preliminary Insights. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 281–290.
- Ferreira, L. (2024). Unravelling the Adoption of Digital Technologies by European SMEs. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 530, 22–35.
- Vieira, E., Silva, D., & Tavares, V. (2024). Relevance of Digital Marketing for the Performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: The Case of the Portuguese Footwear Sector. In Proceedings of Economics and Finance Conferences. International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
- Vieira, E., Azevedo, I., de Sousa, B., Borges, A. P., & Bastida, M. Beyond the Office: Profiles and Experiences of Remote Work Professionals. In Proceedings of Economics and Finance Conferences (No. 14316273). International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
- Azevedo, I. M., Alves, T., Pinto Borges, A., Vieira, B., Vieira, E., & Mesquita, S. (2024). Consumer awareness and the ethical footprint of fast fashion with a focus on Shein. In Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference Business and Management 2024 (pp. 185-192).
- Dias, R.R.& Velarde Mendivil, A. T. D. N. J. (2024) Transparency as a key factor through agri-food and forestry system. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.295-319). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Mesquita, S., Vieira, E., Borges, A. P. & Lopes de Almeida, A. (2024). Assessing Physical and Attitudinal Accessibility in Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia: Visitor and Resident Perspectives. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.1-2). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Monteiro, T., Caithe, H., Lemos, M., Pedrosa. R & Dias, R. R. (2024). Port Wine – New Horizons and New Markets: A Case Study. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.61-63). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Oliveira, A. & Borges, A. P. (2024). Sustainability and Ethics in Integrated Annual Reports – A Preliminary Study. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.418-420). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Costa, I. & Lopes, J. (2024). Influencer Marketing on Social Media: The Impact on The Success of Brands. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.185-187). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Pedrosa, R. & Vereb, V. (2024). Apps as travel companions: What motivates or hinders their use?. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.57-58). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Mesquita, S. (2024) How to enhance Museum Experiences: Co-Creation with Sensory-Impaired Visitors. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.3-4). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Dias, R. R., Lopes de Almeida, A. & Hemsworth, K. (2024) . Slow Food Lab – Portuguese Ark of Taste: an Sensorial Organoleptic Test. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.8-9). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Gonçalves, S. R. & Tavares, V. (2024). Marketing Plan for the Company JAVR Inspeções Automóvel. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.130-131). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Conde, R., Borges, A. P., Neira Gómez, I., & Vieira, E. (2024). Motivations in Way of St. James. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.382-383). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- de Sousa, B., Bastida, M., Vieira, E., & Borges, A. P. (2024). Redefining Work and Travel: An Holistic Review of Digital Nomadism. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.347-248). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Santos, B., Borges, A. P., Vieira, E., & Rodrigues, P. The Paradoxes of Personalization in Digital Marketing: a Comparative Analysis between Generations. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2024) (pp.276-277). ISAG- European Business School: Porto, Portugal.
- Vieira, E., Pinto Borges, A., & Ostapenko, S. (2023). The impact of digital communication on promoting an event: defining personas and strategies. In Proceedings of the 2023 13th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (pp. 52-58).
- Passos, M. (2023). O Reforço da Tutela Jurisdicional e os Direitos de Petição e Ação Popular. Proceedings Book - a Importância Das Constituições Para as Democracias. 1 St International Congress of Political Science and International Relations, Porto. (pp.30-46).
- Conde, R., Gómez, I.N., & Borges, A.P. (2023). The Influence of Nationality on the Pilgrim’s Choice of the Portuguese Ways of Santiago. In Bevanda V. & Dias, R. (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of 7 th International Scientific Conference EMAN Economics & Management: How to Cope with Disrupted Times (p.104). Ljubljana-Slovenia
- Anjos, A. (2023). Sistema Contabilístico: Apuramento, Gestão e Controlo do Valor Gerado pelas Empresas. In Borges, A.P., Vieira, E., & Monteiro, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop Accounting and Taxation (IWAT2023) (pp.84-108). ISAG-EBS.
- Carvalho, J., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B., Vieira, E., & Monteiro, M. (2023). The Evolution and Importance of Female Leadership in The Organizational Context. In 13th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2023" (pp. 483-492). Vilnius – Lituânia
- Conde, R., Mesquita, S., Gómez, I.N., Borges, A.P., & Vieira, E. (2023). Accessibility on the Pilgrimage: Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Travel Patterns of Pilgrims with Disabilities on the Caminho de Santiago. In A.P. Borges, & E. Vieira (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop in Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2023) (pp.140-143). Porto-Portugal.
- Conde, R., Neira, I., Borges, A.P., & Vieira, E. (2023). The Influence of Nationality on the pilgrim's choice for the Portuguese ways of Santiago. In Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference EMAN 2023
- Cunha, A., & Borges, A.P. (2023). An Accuracy Test of Altman and Zmijewski Accounting-Based Bankruptcy Models. In Borges, A.P., Elvira, V., & Monteiro, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop Accounting and Taxation (IWAT2023) (pp. 28-29). ISAG-EBS.
- Dias, R.R., & Azinheira, F. (2023). National Gastronomy Brand as a Country's Identity. In A.P. Borges, & E. Vieira (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop in Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2023) (pp.97-98). Porto-Portugal.
- Hemsworth, K., & Mesquita, S. (2023). How to know if a destination may “suffer” of overtourism? In A.P. Borges, & E. Vieira (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop in Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2023) (pp.89-90). Porto-Portugal.
- Lema, Y., Conde, R., Borges, A.P., Vieira, E. (2023). Exploring the link between culture and religion on Saint James Way. In A.P. Borges, & E. Vieira (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop in Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2023) (pp.104-105). Porto-Portugal.
- Mesquita, S. (2023). Perspectives of PwVI on Co-Creation of Museum Experiences: Factors Influencing Participation and Inclusion. In A.P. Borges, & E. Vieira (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop in Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2023) (pp.124-128). Porto-Portugal.
- Mesquita, S., Borges, A.P., Vieira, E., & Lopes de Almeida, A. (2023). How can accessibility help build sustainable destinations?. In B. Lorena, D. Lončarić, & D.S. Frleta, Book of Abstracts 7th International Scientific Conference ToSEE - Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe Engagement & Empowerment: A Path Toward Sustainable Tourism (p. 22). University of Rijeka.
- Mesquita, S., Vieira, E., Borges, A.P., & Lopes de Almeida, A. (2023). The Evaluation of Physical and Attitudinal Accessibility Applied to the two Destinations: Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia. In C. Seabra, R. Peres, S. Almeida & S. Mesquita (Eds.), Book of Abstracts of DSOTT´2023: Diversity & Sustainability – Opportunities and Threats in Tourism (p.138). Universidade de Coimbra- Portugal
- Muddasir, M., Borges, A.P., Vieira, B.M., & Vieira, E. (2023). Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on the Travel and Leisure Sector across Europe: A Case Study of the Russo-Ukrainian War. In A.P. Borges, & E. Vieira (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop in Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2023) (pp.42-43). Porto-Portugal.
- Oliveira, I., Mesquita, S., Mendes, P., & Neves, D. (2023). How can Certification improve the potential of the tourist destination? In A.P. Borges, & E. Vieira (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop in Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2023) (pp.91-93). Porto-Portugal.
- Rodrigues, P., Barbosa, I., Sousa, A., & Borges, A.P.(2023). The influence of a sensory tourism experience in implicit attitudes of Generation Z. In A.P. Borges, & E. Vieira (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop in Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2023) (pp.182-189). Porto-Portugal.
- Rodrigues, P., Silva, S., Sousa, A., Borges, A.P. (2023). Co-creation and co-destruction of value in tourism services. In A.P. Borges, & E. Vieira (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop in Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2023) (pp.18-41). Porto-Portugal.
- Scalabrini, E., Correia, A.I.L, Nunes, A., Veloso, C.M, Vieira, E., Ferreira, F.A., Silva, G., Fonseca, M., Carrança, P., Santos, S., & Fernandes, P.O. (2023). The use of Mobile Technology in Outdoor Tourism: A Systematic Review. In Mesquita, A., Abreu, A., Carvalho, J. V. & Mello, C. H. P. (Eds.), Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology, Selected Papers from ICITED 2022. Springer.
- Vieira, E., Borges, A. P., & Reis, A.M. (2023). Micro-economic factors of tourist expenditure: the role of accessibility in the city of Porto. In V. Davidavičienė, V. Skvarciany (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2023" (pp. 52-58). Vilnius – Lituânia.
- Vieira, E., Borges, A.P., de Sousa, B., de Sousa, M., & Carvalho, R. (2023). A New Form of Tourism – Digital Nomads Leisure Behavior. In 44th EBES Conference - Program and Abstract Book (p.51)
- Aldeia, S. & Lopes, J. (2022). The Factoring Contract Modalities. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 58-59).
- Araújo, N., Reis, A. M., & Pinto, A. P. (2022). A gestão orçamental no Serviço Nacional de Saúde Português: quem decide?. 4.ª Reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia.
- Areias, G., Ferreira, M., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., Rachão, S., Vieira, E. V. (2022). E-commerce no setor do vestuário: Alterações do consumo no pós-pandemia em Portugal. Proceedings International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2022) (pp. 481-484).
- Ayoub, D., Benslimane, H., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., Brandão, A., & Pacheco, E. V. (2022). The relationship between Work Life Balance and Hybrid Work- Mixed-method study. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Applied Business and Management (ICABM2022) (pp. 13-14).
- Campos, A., Aldeia, A. & Lopes, J. (2022). Development and application of a strategic planning The Sanipower S.A.’s case study. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 235).
- Cardona, V. G., & Tavares, V. (2022). Brand management in micro and small enterprises - the case of the Portuguese wine sector. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 88-92).
- Carvalho, J. & Pires, H. (2022). Leadership in the Digital Era. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 60-63).
- Cascão, A., Quelhas, A. P., & Cunha, A. M. (2022). Behavioral Finance meets Real Estate. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 165-166).
- Conde, R., Gomez, I. N., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. P. (2022). Pilgrim’s decision-making in the Way of St. James: The Portuguese Way. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 322-325).
- Cunha, A. M. & Lobão, J. (2022). Tourism and House Prices: Friends or Foes? Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 162-164).
- Cunha, A. M. (2022). Behavioral Finance: The investment profiles of private banking clients. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 167-168).
- Dias, P., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. (2022). Financial literacy, resilience and financial well-being: An assessment on university students. Book of abstracts of 39th EBES Conference.
- Dias, R. R. (2022). Different perspectives to understand the Portuguese agri-food system: a new model to the slow food. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 500-501).
- Dias, R. R., Almeida, A. L. & Hemsworth, K. (2022). Gastronomy, hospitality and tourism: Portuguese slow food trends. TWINE Conference.
- Machado, M. & Gonçalves, M. (2022). Sensory marketing in optimizing consumer experience, emotional connection and loyalty - The CLAUS Porto case. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 661-676).
- Martins, M., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. P. (2022). The Innovation Capacity in SMEs evaluated by the Consumers. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 316-317).
- Mesquita, S. (2022). How can antecedents facilitate co-creation, in museums, by people with sensory impairments? Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 281-282).
- Moreira, I., Lopes, J., Borges, A. P., & Oliveira, J. C. (2022). Have consumer habits changed with the Covid-19 pandemic? An analysis of the Portuguese consumer profile. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 432-434).
- Moreira, T., Cairrão, A., & Borges, A. P. (2022). Factors with most influence on the purchase intention in customers of different generations. Proceedings of Internacional Conference on Applied Business and Management (pp. 116-120).
- Narciso H. & Almeida, A. L. (2022). Employer branding – The BTRUST case. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 448).
- Oliveira, C., Rodrigues, M., & Borges, A. P. (2022). Corporate governance, results management and external audit. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 872-907).
- Pinto, I., Lopes, J. & Rachão, S. (2022). Content marketing in luxury hospitality social media platforms: A netnography approach. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 109-112).
- Rego, P., Cairrão, A., & Borges, A. P. (2022). Brand equity: a influência do valor da marca areal editores na escolha do consumidor. Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Business and Management (pp. 189-191).
- Rocha, C., Oliveira, J., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., Rachão, S., Vieira, E. V., & Tavares, V. (2022). A presença das marcas no metaverso. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 442-443).
- Rodrigues, N. & Monteiro, M. (2022). The importance of email marketing in a company\'s commercial strategy: the I Love Douro case. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 199-206).
- Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., Madeira, C., Guerreiro, M. (2022). Knowledge management contribution in marketing field: bibliometric analysis. Book of Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing.
- Sequeira, C., Barbosa, N., Borges, A. P., Vieira, B. M., Rachão, S., Vieira, E. P. (2022). Gestores à beira de um ataque de nervos: risco de “burnout” nos gestores das organizações. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 287-289).
- Sousa, G. A. B, Aldeia, A. & Hemsworth, H. P. (2022). The Importance of Leadership in Motivating Human Resources. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management (pp. 290-291).
- Sousa, L. A. P. P., Aldeia, S. & Lopes, J. (2022). Remunerations and compensations: the reality of sports coaches in Portugal. Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Business and Management.
- Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). The Portuguese arbitral court decisions about property, plant and equipment's expenses. Abstract published at Proceedings International Workshop Accounting and Taxation (IWAT2021).
- Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). Accounting and tax challenges of Portuguese restaurants. Abstract published at the International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2021).
- Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). Green tax measures in companies’ reports: the case study of Portugal. Abstract published at Proceedings International Workshop Accounting and Taxation (IWAT2021).
- Aldeia, S., & Monteiro, M. (2021). Tax Benefits to Promote Entrepreneurship: the Portuguese Case. European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
- Aldeia, S., Hemsworth, K., Conde , R., & Nadais, C. (2021). The Representativeness of Portuguese Touristic Business and Tax Procedures in Their Creation. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Tourism Research - ICTR (pp. 9-16).
- Aldeia, S., Monteiro, M., Lopes, J., & Conde, R. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility and Socially Committed Entrepreneurship: a Contemporary Overview. Proceedings European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
- Borges, A. P. & Derom, S. (2021). Communication Channels with Music Festival Audiences: The case of NOS Primavera Sound. Abstracts published at Proceedings International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2021).
- Borges, A. P., Cunha, C. & Lopes, J. (2021). The influence of the Factors Push and Publl in the Intention to Return to the Musical Event: The Essential Information to Define Marketing Strategies. Abstract published at Proceedings International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2021).
- Cunha, C., Conde , R., & Nadais, C. (2021). The Daily Lives of University Students in Times of Pandemic. Abstract published at proceedings of International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2021).
- Cunha, C., Conde, R., & Nadais, C. (2021). Leisure Practices of Portugal University Students in Confinement Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Tourism Research - ICTR (pp. 150-157).
- Dias, R. R. (2021). Filosofia Agroalimentar, Marketing e Tendências: uma Aproximação à "Produção Autóctone". Proceedings Congresso Nacional da Caprinicultura.
- Hemsworth, K. (2021). Hotel Management Curricular Internships - Students Perspective. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tourism Research 2021 - ICTR (pp. 269-278).
- Lopes de Almeida, A., Vieira, E. & Borges, A. (2021). Audience segmentation and communicating towards a Music Festival – the NOS Primavera Sound. Proceedings 4th International Conference on Tourism Research (pp. 287-295).
- Lopes de Almeida, A., Vieira, E. & Borges, A. (2021). Targeting audience attending a Music Festival – Evidence from NOS Primavera Sound. Proceedings International Tourism and Hospitality Management Workshop (IWTHM2021) (pp. 76-77).
- Martins, O., Fernandes, P.O., Nunes, A., Rachão, S., Correia, A. I., Vieira, E., Fonseca, M. J., Silva, G., Santos, S., Veloso, C., Ferreira, F., and Carrança, P. (2021). Supply-side Perspectives on Outdoor Tourism in the North of Portugal. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tourism Research 2021 - ICTR (pp. 339-348).
- Mesquita, S., Nadais, C., & Conde, R. (2021). The Evaluation of Co-creation in Wine Experiences: The Case of Essência do Vinho. Abstract published at International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management.
- Nadais, C. (2021). Music Festivals' Environmental Practices and the Perception of the Visitor: The Case Study of NOS Primavera Sound. Proceedings of the INVTUR2021.
- Nadais, C., & Cunha, C. C., (2019). Learning Creativity and Innovation: A Case Study in Tourism Degree. Proceeding International Conference The Future of Education.
- Nadais, C., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. (2021). Green Co-creation Process in Music Festivals: The Case of NOS Primavera Sound. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tourism Research 2021 - ICTR (pp. 408-414).
- Nadais, C., Vieira, E. & Borges, A., P. (2020). Contribution of a cultural and touristic event to a sustainable development: the case of Serralves em Festa! Proceedings International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism (IWTHM2021).
- Rosa, R. & Azinheira, F., (2021). Spirituality in Agri-Food sector: a complementary vision of slow food principles. Proceedings International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks.
- Silva, G., Rachão, S. & Correia, A. I. (2021). Assessing trails and potential for hiking tourism in Northern Portugal. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Tourism Research 2021 - ICTR
- Sousa, A., Vieira, E., Rodrigues, P. & Borges, A.P. (2021). E-commerce before, during and after confinement: consumer tendencies in three countries. Proceedings of BAM2021 Conference: Recovering from Covid: Responsible Management and Reshaping the Economy.
- Vieira, B., Frias, C., Monteiro, E., Santos, R., & Guerra, T. (2021). Realidade Virtual no Ensino Prático na Hotelaria. Proceedings International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2021).
- Yozcu, O. K. (2021). The Impact of Coronavirus (COVID -19) on Travel and Tourism Industry in Turkey. Proceedings International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2021).
- Devrisashvili, G. & Borges, A. P. (2020). Consumer behavior before, during and after at the time covid-19: an application to georgia. Abstract published at Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020).
- Aldeia, S. C. R. (2020). Earnings Management Phenomenon. Proceedings International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development.
- Aldeia, S. C. R. (2020). The partner loans' multidisciplinary analysis - Portuguese's case study. Proceedings International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development.
- Aldeia, S.C.R. (2020). Software and hardware forensic tools. An overview of the accounting and tax framework in Portuguese non-state institutions. Proceedings International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development.
- Aldeia, S.C.R. (2020). The constitutional tax principle of generality in Spanish legislation. A comparative law’s case. Proceedings International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development.
- Aldeia, S.C.R. (2020). The Indian tax system as a competitiveness' factor of firms. Proceedings International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development.
- Aldeia, S.C.R. (2020). Spanish societies' tax law and the fiscal adjustments to the accounting expense. Proceedings International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development.
- Beltrán, A. (2020). The impact of blended learning in written skills acquisition of Spanish as a second language (SL2): An empirical research with students of Tourism, Administration and Hospitality Management. Abstract published at proceedings of Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (p. 391).
- Borges, A., Vieira, E., & Rodrigues, P., (2020) The Happiness with Destination and its Influence on Length of Stay. Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020).
- Borges. A., Nadais. C., & Vieira. E., (2020) The Importance of Sustainability Issues at Events and the Intention to Return. Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020).
- Cunha, C., & Guedes, N. (2020). Representations about Neuromarketing. Abstract published at Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020).
- Jayantilal, S., Jorge, S. F., & Aldeia, S. (2020). Novel Methodologies to explain SME's internationalisation. Proceedings International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development and 3rd Online ESD Conference.
- Lopes de Almeida, A. & Kastenholz, E. (2020). Seasonal behaviour of the tourist demand – the case of Minho. Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020) (pp. 544-545).
- Mesquita, S. (2020). Acessibility in museums to visually impaired persons. Abstract published at Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020).
- Nadais, C., Vieira, E. & Borges, A., P. (2020). The importance of sustainability issues at events and the intention to return. Abstract published at Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). Pinho, M. & Borges, A. P. (2020) The rationing principles evaluate by angolan physician and nurses. Abstract published at Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). . Reis, A.M., Vieira, E., Borges A.P. (2020). Determinants of tourist expenditure: the role of tourist experiences in the city of Porto. Abstract published at Proceedings International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). Rodrigues, I., Soares, N., Ferraria, A., Correia, P., Lopes, J. & Lopes, J. (2020). Co-creation gaming, a plausible tool for the portuguese companies? Abstract published at Proceedings International Conference Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., Martins, C. & Guerreiro, M. (2020). Authenticity as an antecedent of brand image in a positive emotional consumer relationship: the case of craft beer brand. Abstract published at Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). Santos, J L., & Tavares, V. (2020). Importance of Employer Branding for the Sucess of the Corporate Brand in the SME Context. Abstract published Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). . Torre, F. & Rua, O. (2020). The linkage between soft skills and job satisfaction: The mediating effect of internal marketing. Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). Trancoso, T. & Gomes, S. (2020). The Financial Driver of Business Cycle Synchronisation. Proceedings IBIMA Conference. Vieira, B. & Nadais, C. (2020). Strategic Role of ICT in Tourism: the case of ids. Proceedings International Conference on Applied Business Management (ICABM2020). Vieira, E., Borges, A. P. & Rodrigues, P. (2020). The happiness with destination and its influence on length of stay. Abstract published at Proceedings Internacional Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). Vieira, E., Borges, A., & Lopes, J., (2020). The Role of the Sociodemographic and Emotional Intelligence Profile of Tourists in the Intention to Return to a Destination. Abstract published at Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2020). Vieira, E., Nadais. C., & Borges, A. P. (2020). Contribution of a cultural and touristic event to sustainable development: the case of Serralves em Festa!. Proceedings of the International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism. Vieira, E., Santos, E. et al., (2020). Measuring Nature Tourism Firms - productivity. Proceedings of the XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica: cooperação transfronteiriça: desenvolvimento e coesão territorial (p. 166).
- Aldeia, S. C. R. (2019). The going concern's accounting principle and its incorporation in corporate income tax law of Spain. Proceedings International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Sustainability from an Economic and Social Perspective".
- Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). Accounting profit in spainish legislation. Proceedings International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - "Sustainability from an Economic and Social Perspective".
- Aldeia, S.C.R., & Sousa, C. (2019). Accounting and taxation treatment of goodwill in Portugal. Proceedings European Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital. ;
- Borges, A. P., & Derom, S. (2019). Communication Channels with Music Festival Audiences: The case of NOS Primavera Sound. Proceedings of the International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2019).
- Borges, A. P., & Vieira, V. (2019). Determinants of length of stay: The case of Portugal Rally - Porto street stage. Proceedings of the International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2019).
- Borges, A. P., Cunha, C., & Lopes, J. (2019). The influence of the Factors Push and Publl in the Intention to Return to the Musical Event: The Essential Information to Define Marketing Strategies. Proceedings of the International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2019). Borges, A. P., Vieira, V., Rodrigues, P., & Gomes, S. (2019). Tangible and Intangible factors as Determinants of Length of stay in a Touristic Destination. Proceedings of the International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2019). Borges, A. P., Vieira, V., Rodrigues, P., & Tavares, V. (2019). Evaluation of the brand of a regional food product. Proceedings of the International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2019). Nadais, C. & Oliveira, J. (2019). O turismo no contexto da economia circular. Paper present at 3º Encontro Internacional do CEGOT. Nadais, C. (2019). The future of Tourism: trends and opportunities. Proceedings of the International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2019). Nadais, C., & Cunha, C. (2019). Learning Creativity and Innovation: a case study in tourism degrees. Proceedings International Conference the Future of Education. Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, V. (2019). Gastronomic Experience in a Destination Touristic Place: Porto City. Proceedings of the International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2019). Silva, A. M., & Nadais, C., (2019). Biocentric Education: From Rolando Toro Model to the Paradigm 4.0. Proceedings International Conference The Future of Education. Silva, A.P. & Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). Digital dematerialisation in the Portuguese Tax System. Proceedings European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security - ECCWS 2019.
- Borges, A. P., & Vieira, B. (2018). Perceived influence of social media in consumer behavior: the case of Portuguese tourists. Abstract published at Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2018) (pp. 37-38).
- Borges, A. P., Vieira, E. & Rodrigues, P. (2018). Engagement and Social Responsibility with a Tourist destination: the case of City of Porto. Abstract published at Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2018).
- Borges, A. P., Vieira, E. P., & Gomes, S. (2018). The expenditure behaviour during the trip and the impact of the intangible and tangible factors: The case of the city of Porto. Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018.
- Campos, J., & Oliveira, M. (2018). Exploring decision Making on hospitality brands: emotional or rational fator. Proceedings of the Internacional Conference on Tourism Research. JAMK University of Applied Sciences Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Carolino, F. & Tavares, V. (2018). Contributo para a Análise Económico-Financeira do Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto. Abstract published at Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2018).
- Carvalho, P., Salazar, A., & Ramos, P. (2018). Conceptual Model of Destination Branding: An Integrative Approach. Proceedings of the 21st Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (AMSWMC). Lusíada Norte, Porto, Portugal.
- Fonseca, M., Teixeira, A., & Borges, C. (2018). A escala Servqual na avaliação da satisfação no sector da restauração: um estudo de caso. Abstract published at Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2018).
- Pedrosa, M., & Salazar, A. (2018). The importance and impact of health and safety conditions at work: the case of an organization in the metalworking sector. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO2018). Guimarães, Portugal.
- Pimentel, f. B., Alves, R. C., Beatriz M. P. P., Oliveira, M. B. (2018). Total phenolics of Gracilaria vermiculophylla: optimizing extraction procedures using green methodologies. Proceedings International Conference on Green Chemistry & Technology.
- Pimentel, F. B., Teixeira, V. D., Costa, A., Alves, R. C., Oliveira, M. B. (2018). Composição nutricional e atividade antioxidante de macroalgas vermelhas provenientes de aquacultura sustentável. Proceedings XIV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Indústria, Ciência, Formação e Inovação (Pág. 193-196).
- Reis, A. M., Araújo, N., & Borges, A. P. (2018). Should there be limits to public health expenditures? Who decides?”. Abstract published at Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2018) (p. 49).
- Rodrigues, P., & Borges, A. P. (2018). Negative Emotions toward a Financial Brand: The case of CGD. Abstract published at Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2018) (p. 44).
- Silva, S., & Loureiro, G. (2018). Earnings Management and Stock Price Crashes Post-Cross-Delisting. Paper presented at the 10th Portuguese Finance Network Conference.
- Trindade, A., Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. (2018). Consumer Behavior and its impact in the intention to return to the wine event. Proceedings of the Contemporary Issues in Economy & Technology 2018 (pp. 206-219).
- Vieira, E., Gomes, S. & Trancoso, T. (2018). Determinants of Portuguese exports in PSI 20 enterprises. Abstract published at Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2018).
- Borges, A. P., & Vieira, E. P. (2017). Abstracts of Papers presented at Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Borges, A. P., Vieira, E. P., & Gomes, S. (2017). Satisfaction Scoring Index for a musical festival: during and after the event. Abstracts of Papers presented at Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Borges, A. P., & Vieira, B. (2017). Measuring Entrepreneurial attitude in Young People. Ciem 17 - Conferência Ibérica de Empreendedorismo, Esposende, Portugal.
- Borges, A. P., Vieira, B., & Carvalho, C. (2017). Influence of social networks on the choice of tourist destination: Evidence from a Portuguese survey. Abstracts of Papers presented at Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Sousa, B., Casais, B., & Pina, G. (2017). O posicionamento e a imagem em contextos de marketing territorial: estudo de caso aplicado à cidade de Braga. Book of Abstracts Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Sousa, B., & Resende, I. (2017). Citymarketing e os eventos: as perceções dos residentes face ao Carnaval de Ovar. Book of Abstracts Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Sousa, B., & Vasconcelos, S. (2017). BrandingTerritorial: o papel da imagem no comportamento de compra do turista – O caso do destino Arouca. Book of Abstracts Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Cleto, J. (2017). O Caminho Português de Santiago pela Costa - Um breve testemunho pessoal. Sessão de apresentação do Caminho Português da Costa/Programa Norte 2020.
- Cleto, J. (2017). Porto de confluências. 23º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Interna. Alfândega do Porto, Porto Portugal.
- Cleto, J. (2017). importância do património arqueológico e imaterial de Valongo para o desenvolvimento do concelho. Conferência Valongo, um Concelho com 180 Anos. Câmara Municipal de Valongo, Portugal.
- Rodrigues, H.S., Fonseca, M., & Garcia, J. E. (2017). Digital Marketing under epidemiological point of view: a case study. The Cape Verde International Days on Mathematics. University of Cape Verde, República de Cabo Verde.
- Oliveira, J., Sá, J. C., & Fernandes, A. (2017). Continuous Improvement Through Lean Tools – Application in a mechanical company. Abstracts Book 7th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (p. 138). ISBN: 978-84-697-3077-5.
- Monteiro, A. (2017). Desempenho das Unidades Hoteleiras: o impacto dos recursos e capacidades International. Book of Abstracts Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Cunha, C., & Silva, O. (2017). A perceção e construção do imaginário do turista, no turismo de habitação e rural na Região Norte de Portugal. Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Beltrán, A. (2017). La igualdad de género en actividades turísticas de economía colaborativa. Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Teixeira, A., Fonseca, M., Castro, L., Garcia, J., Igreja, C., & Costa-Santos, C. (2017). A escala Webqual na avaliação multidisciplinar de websites de hotéis: o caso da cidade do Porto. Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Lopes, J., Braga, J. L., Pereira, L., & Silva, O. (2017). Sustainability and Authenticity as Differentiating Factors in Porto’s Off-Peak Tourism. Tourism and Hospitality Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Fonseca, H. S., Garcia, J.E., & Fonseca, M. (2017). Epidemiological models and the diffusion of an advertising campaign". Paper presented at XVIII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Operational Research. School of Business (in Valença) of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, Portugal.
- Salvador, P., Brito, L., & Gomes, S. (2017). Apadrinhamento de árvores de fruto produzidas em modo de produção biológico através da plataforma You Go Bio. Actas Portuguesas de Horticultura (pp.484-489) - I Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Horticultura. ISBN: 978-972-8936-28-0.
- Vieira, E., Gomes, S., & Trancoso, T. (2017). Determinants of Portuguese exports in PSI 20 enterprises. Abstract of Paper presented at International Conference of Applied Business and Management. ISAG – European Business School, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-20-7675-1
- Alves, W., Ferreira, P., & Araújo, M. (2017). Social and environmental concerns in Brazilian mining corporations. 3rd International Conference on Energy & Environment. Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
- Rodrigues, P., Martins, C., & Costa, P. (2016) Consumers Perception of Luxury Brand: Luís Onofre Case. Abstract to Global Fashion Conference - The importance of environment on strategic logics. 21th EBES Conference, Stockholm University, Budapeste.
- Cleto. J. (2016). A transformação da cidade do Porto com o comboio. Colóquio Os Caminhos-de ferro e a Guerra. Exército Português, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, CP – Comboios de Portugal e Infraestruturas de Portugal
- Cleto. J. (2016). A Cultura Marítima em Matosinhos. Conferência “Mar de Oportunidades”. Câmara Municipal e Matosinhos, Fórum Oceano e Jornal de Notícias.
- Cleto. J. (2016). "Saída de campo” guiada ao Centro do Porto. Colóquio Internacional A Geografia na construção do futuro desejado. Cegot Geografia OT, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.
- Cleto. J. (2016). Sobre o surto de peste bubónica que assolou a cidade do Porto em 1899 Antecedentes. Conferência-debate “Política e História da Peste no Porto” - Comemorações do 10º aniversário do Instituto de Saúde Publica da Universidade do Porto. Porto, Potugal.
- Cleto. J. (2016). O Granito do Porto O Porto de Granito. VII Encontro Anual de Parceiros do Roteiro das Minas e Pontos de interesse mineiro e geológico de Portugal
- Cleto. J. (2016). Caminhos de Santiago: as suas lendas e a "verdade histórica”. Ciclo de conferências 2016 da Sociedade Portuguesa de Antropologia e Etnologia.
- Mena, R., Remondes, J., Claro, A., & Bastos, M. (2015). The Role of Social Media for the Effectiveness of Internal Communication: Exploratory Study. Proceedings of the LCBR European Marketing Conference.
- Borges, A. P., & Rodrigues, P. (2015). The Perception of Potential Successors in Succession Process. Proceedings in 15th EBES Conference. ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Borges, A. P., & Rodrigues, P. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility Activities and its Impact in Consumers Behaviours’ Decision-Making: the context of economic recession. Proceedings of Innovation for Sustainability – Is Your Responsibility, 2nd International Conference on Innovation for Sustainability (IS2014) (pp. 30-31). Lusíada University, Porto, Portugal.
- Borges, A. P., & Pinho, M. (2014). Different Views on the Establishment of Priorities among Patients: The Main Principles Mentioned in the Choice. Proceedings of Health Economics, Management & Policy Abstracts, 13th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy (pp. 56). Athens, Greece.
- Borges, A. P., Laranjeira, E., & Szrek. H. (2014). A new population’s health status indicator”, Decisiones basadas en la evaluación: ¿Fábula o desiderátum?. XXXIV Jornadas de Economía de la Salud (pp. 103). Zaragoza, Espanha.
- Borges, A. P., Rodrigues, P., & Aleixo, A. (2014). Succession Process in the family business: the views of Portugal Successors”, O contributo da Gestão para a Sustentabilidade das Organizações e da Sociedade. Actas das XXIV Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Gestão Científica (pp. 79). Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal.
- Rodrigues, P., & Borges, A. P. (2014). Portuguese Consumers Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility”, O contributo da Gestão para a Sustentabilidade das Organizações e da Sociedade. Actas das XXIV Jornadas Luso Espanholas de Gestão Científica (pp. 100). Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal.
- Oliveira, E. R., & Ferreira, P. (2014). Definition and a Conceptual Modelo for Organizational Schizophrenia, Innovation for Sustainability – Is Your Responsibility. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Innovation for Sustainability (IS2014) (p. 37). Lusíada University, Porto, Portugal.
- Ferreira, P., & Oliveira, E. R. (2014). The Battle over the Brand HR and Marketing Perspectives on Employer Branding”, Innovation for Sustainability – Is Your Responsibility. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Innovation for Sustainability (IS2014) (p. 37). Lusíada University, Porto, Portugal.
- Remondes, J., & Borges, A. P. (2014). Consumer, Marketing and Sport Tourism: Application of the Empathy Map to the Tourist Spectator Football. Book of Abstracts Sport Tourism New Challenges in a Globalized World - Sport Tourism Conference STC'14 (pp. 63-64). Coimbra College of Education, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Rodrigues, P., Borges, A. P., & Aleixo, A. (2014). The Importance of Knowledge Management in the Succession Process of Family Businesses. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management (Vol. 2, pp. 826-833). Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Santarém, Portugal.
- Ferreira, P., & Real de Oliveira, E. (2014). Engage to perform: job satisfaction as mediator. In Vivas, C ., & Sequeira, P. (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management. London. ISBN: 978-1-910309-34-6.
- Gomes, S., & Neira, I. (2014). Principais Medidas do Empreendedorismo – Uma análise comparativa. Actas da CIEM – 4ª Conferência Ibérica de Empreendedorismo, Pontevedra.
- Fernandes, P., Miranda Veloso, C. & Pawlowska, E. (2013). La importancia del Turismo Académico. El caso de internacionalización del Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Proceeding of the Tourism & Management Studies International Conference. Universidade do Algarve, Algarve, Portugal.
- Borges, A. P., Cardoso, C., & Laranjeira, E. (2013). Privacy and security aspects in e-Health at home under the implementation of Directive 2011/24/EU. Proceeding of the International Conference on Technologies and Law (pp.76-84). IPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Barcelos, Portugal.
- Diogo, H. (2013). Influências lusas na habitação dos imigrantes portugueses no Luxemburgo e em França. Atas do Colóquio Internacional de Arquitetura Popular. Arcos de Valdevez.
- Sousa, A., & e Tavares, V. (2012). Brand Management Challenges in the Context of Recession. Track: Marketing Strategy and Leadership. Conference on “Marketing to Citizens – Going Beyond Customers and Consumers. ISCTE Business School, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Sousa, A. (2012). Prateiros portugueses na Galiza de Quinhentos: a dinastia dos Cedeira. Actas do III Colóquio Português de Ourivesaria (pp. 157-172). Universidade Católica Editora, Porto, Portugal.
- Sousa, A., & Resende, N. (2012). Os brilhantes do Brasileiro: uma visita à família dos ourives Mourão. Actas do I Congresso O Porto Romântico (vol. I, pp. 121-140). Universidade Católica Editora, Porto, Portugal.
- Sousa, A. (2011). O tesouro medieval da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Setúbal. Seminário Internacional A Misericórdia de Vila Real e as Misericórdias no Mundo de Expressão Portuguesa. CEPESE – Centro de Estudos da População, Economia e Sociedade, Porto, Portugal.
- Sousa, A., & Resende, N. (2011). Os Brilhantes do Brasileiro. Uma visita à família dos ourives Mourão. O Porto Romântico. Porto, Universidade Católica
- Sousa, A. (2011). O tesouro medieval da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Setúbal - uma herança preservada. Seminário Internacional A Misericórdia de Vila Real e as Misericórdias no Mundo de Expressão Portuguesa (pp. 47-62.). CEPESE – Centro de Estudos da População, Economia e Sociedade, Porto, Portugal.
- Vieira, E. P., Ferreira, P., & e Neira, I. (2010). The influence of human capital of the workforce in the adoption of high- performance work systems: the case of Portugal and Spain. Actas das XIX Jornadas de la Asociación de Economia de la Educación (AEDE). Universidad de Zaragoza, Espanha.
- Vieira, E. P., Neira, I., & Pereira, O. (2010). Análise da competitividade eurorregional das NUTS II Galiza e Norte de Portugal. Actas do 16º Congresso da APDR. Universidade da Madeira, Portugal.
- Vieira, E. P., Neira, I., & Portela, M. (2010). Social capital and growth in European regions. Proceedings of the 50º ERSA Congress. Jonkoping, Sweden.
- Vieira, E. P., Vázquez, E., & Gomes, S. (2010). Enterpreneurship and Economic Growth in Spanish and Portuguese Regions. Proceedings of the 50º ERSA Congress. Jonkoping, Sweden.
- Vieira, E. P., Ferreira, P, & Neira, I. (2010). The influence of human capital of the workforce in the adoption of high-performance work systems: the case of Portugal and Spain. Actas das XIX Jornadas de la Asociación Económica de la Educación. Universidad de Zaragoza, Espanha
- Nobre, H. (2010). An Analysis of the Influence of Consumer-Brand Relationships on Relationship Strength. Proceedings of 6th International Conference of the Academy of Marketing’s Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation SIG. ESADE – Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Espanha.
- Becker, K., & Nobre, H. (2010). The influence of Consumer-Brand Relationships on Business Continuity. Proceedings of Nineteenth Annual World Business Congress. KTO Karatay University, Konya, Turkey.
- Nobre, H., Becker, K., & Lee, J.W. (2010). Ecommerce Effects on Consumer Decision Making. Proceedings EUROMED 2010 Digital Heritage. Lemesos, Cyprus.
- Nobre, H., & Becker, K. (2010). The role of consumer-brand relationships in understanding multi-brand symbolic consumption. Proceedings of EMAC Regional Conference – Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies. Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary.
- Pinho J. (2009). A Tradução e os Leitores. Actas do VIII Colóquio Anual da Lusofonia. Centro Cultural Municipal de Bragança, Portugal.
- Vieira, E., Ferreira, P, & Neira, I. (2009). Cultural Impact on Innovation: econometric analysis of European Countries (1995-2004). Proceedings of the International Gaia Congress. Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.
Jornais não Académicos
Jornais não Académicos
- Almeida, C. (2023). ISAG, a formar líderes de futuro. Jornal Negócios.
- Bagheri, M. (2023). Ultrapassar os desafios: incentivar o crescimento das startups em Portugal. Vida Económica.
- Borges, A.P. (2023). A importância da literacia financeira para desvendar o labirinto da inflação. Vida Económica.
- Borges, A.P. (2023). Estudos de públicos nos eventos: o quê e para quê?. Event Point Online.
- Borges, A.P. (2023). Os Benefícios Invisíveis do MBA: Para Além do Conhecimento. Vida Económica.
- Borges, A.P. (2023). MBA: Oportunidade de Futuro. Revista Exame.
- Caldas, A.R. (2023). Mitos e verdades em Segurança Alimentar. Vida Económica.
- Caldas, A.R. (2023). Storytelling: O elemento diferenciador na experiência gastronómica. Publituris Hotelaria.
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- Sousa, B. (2015, Setembro). O turismo transfronteiriço: oportunidade para o Minho. Correio do Minho.
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- Borges, A. P (2014). A Internacionalização das Empresas Familiares: uma Opção Estratégica. Jornal Vida Económica.
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Trabalhos/relatórios técnicos
Trabalhos/relatórios técnicos
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos, de Satisfação e de Impacto Económico do The World Battle 2024
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos, Comportamento de Consumidor em Relação ao Vinho e Satisfação com o Evento Essência Festival - Art, Wine, Food & Music 2024
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos, Satisfação e Impacto Económico e Turístico da 20.ª Edição da Essência do Vinho
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos e de Impacto Económico na cidade de Matosinhos da Nova Era Beach Party 2024
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudos de Públicos, de Sustentabilidade e de Impacto Económico do Porto Beer Fest 2024
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos, Satisfação e Impacto Económico do Primavera Sound Porto 2024
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos do Serralves em Festa 2024
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos e de Impacto Económico na cidade do Porto do North Festival 2024
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Teatro Nacional São João: Estudo de Públicos e de Satisfação – As Bruxas de Salém
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Teatro Nacional São João: Estudo de Públicos e de Satisfação – Homens Hediondos
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Teatro Nacional São João: Estudo de Públicos e de Satisfação – Homens Hediondos
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Teatro Nacional São João: Estudo de Públicos e de Satisfação – Fado Alexandrino
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Teatro Nacional São João: Estudo de Públicos e de Satisfação – Um Sonho
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Público, de Satisfação e Impacto Económico da Comic Con Portugal 2024
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. O noivado: experiências e emoções
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos e Satisfação da Festa do Outono de Serralves 2023.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos, Comportamento de Consumidor em Relação ao Vinho e Satisfação com o Evento Essência Festival - Art, Wine, Food & Music.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudos de Público e do Impacto Económico e Turístico do Portugal Fashion 2023.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo do Instituto dos Registos e do Notoriado (IRN) - Qualidade, Rapidez e Satisfação.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Investigação Aplicada - Estudo Look and Feel. Feira do Empreendedor.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos, Satisfação e Impacto Económico e Turístico da 19.ª Edição da Essência do Vinho. Essência do Vinho.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos e de Impacto Económico na cidade do Porto do North Festival 2023.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos e de Impacto Económico na cidade de Matosinhos da Nova Era Beach Party 2023.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos, Satisfação e Impacto Económico do Primavera Sound Porto 2023
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos do Serralves em Festa 2023.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Público e de Impacto Económico da ISAG Corrida do Dia do Pai. Run Porto.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Público, de Impacto Económico e Turístico do NOS Primavera Sound. Pic-nic.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Público e de Impacto Económico da Essência do Vinho 2021. Essência do Vinho 2021 - Edição de Verão
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Público, de Impacto Económico e Comportamento do Consumidor em Relação à Marca “MatosinhosSport”.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Avaliação da marca Fumeiro de Montalegre na 28.ª edição da Feira do Fumeiro de Montalegre. Fumeiro de Montalegre 2019.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos, Satisfação e Impacto. Económico e Turístico da 16.ª edição da Essência do Vinho. Essência do Vinho 2019.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos e de Impacto Económico do Serralves em Festa! 2019. Serralves em Festa! 2019.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Públicos, de satisfação e de Impacto Económico do NOS Primavera Sound 2019. NOS Primavera Sound 2019.
- Ana Pinto Borges & Elvira Vieira (Coord.) e outros investigadores. Estudo de Público e satisfação da Festa do Outono de Serralves de 2019. Festa do Outono Serralves 2019.
- Estudo de Público e satisfação da Festa do Outono de Serralves de 2018. Festa do Outono de Serralves de 2018.
- Estudo de Públicos, Satisfação e Impacto Económico e Turístico da 15.ª edição da Essência do Vinho. Essência do Vinho 2018.
- Estudo de Públicos e de Impacto Económico do Serralves em Festa! 2018. Serralves em Festa! 2018.
- Estudo de Públicos, de satisfação e de Impacto Económico do NOS Primavera Sound 2018. NOS Primavera Sound 2018.
- Borges, A. P. (coordenação e autoria), Monteiro, A., Pereira, L., & Silva, Ó. (2017). Estudo de Públicos do NOS Primavera Sound 2016: Análise durante e Após Evento.
- Borges, A. P. (coordenação e autoria), Trindade, A., (autora), Monteiro, A., Pinheiro, A., Pereira, L. (autora), & Silva, Ó. (2017). Estudo de Públicos do NOS Primavera Sound 2017: Análise durante e Após Evento. Apresentação do Estudo: outubro 2017.
- Borges, A. P. (coordenação e autoria), Trindade, A., (autora), Monteiro, A., Pinheiro, A., Pereira, L. (autora), & Silva, Ó. (2017). Estudo de Públicos do Serralves em Festa! 2017”. Apresentação do Estudo: dezembro 2017
- Borges, A. P. (coordenação e autoria), Trindade, A., (autora), Monteiro, A., Pinheiro, A., Pereira, L. (autora), & Silva, Ó. (2017). Estudo de Públicos do Serralves Festa de Outono 2017. Apresentação do Estudo: dezembro 2017
- Borges, A. P. (coordenação e autoria), Trindade, A., (autora), Monteiro, A., Pinheiro, A., Pereira, L. (autora), & Silva, Ó. (2017). Essência do Vinho 14ª Edição: Expositores e Visitantes. Apresentação do Estudo: novembro 2017.
- Borges, A. P. (coordenação e autoria), Monteiro, A., Pereira, L., & Silva, Ó. (2016). Estudo de Avaliação da Marca da SCML no NOS Primavera Sound 2016.
- Borges, A. P. (coordenação e autoria), Monteiro, A., Pereira, L., & Silva, Ó. (2016). Estudo de Avaliação da Marca da SCML no MEO Marés Vivas 2016.
- Borges, A. P. (coordenação e autoria), Monteiro, A., Pereira, L., & Silva, Ó. (2016). Estudo de Públicos da Festa de Outono 2016.
- Borges, A. P. (coordenação e autoria), Monteiro, A., Pereira, L., & Silva, Ó. (2016). Essência do Vinho 13ª Edição: Expositores e Visitantes.
- Borges, A. P., Pereira L. (2015). Expositores e o Público da Essência do Vinho 2015. Apresentação do estudo: agosto 2015.
- Borges, A. P. (coordenação e autoria), Monteiro, A., Pereira, L., & Silva, Ó. (2015). Estudo de Públicos de Serralves em Festa! 2015: Análise durante e Após Evento.
- Borges, A. P. , Monteiro, A., Vieira de Carvalho, M., & Silva, Ó. (2014). Estudo de Públicos do MEO Marés Vivas 2014. Apresentação do Estudo: outubro 2014.